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编辑:58ts  发布时间:2010/4/20 10:38:21 
英文名称:Stanford University*  
网 址:http://www.stanford.edu/  
英文简介:A story of Stanford, the university, is not complete without a history of Stanford, the man. The fifth of eight children, Leland Stanford was born in 1824 at the family home on a farm near Albany, New York. Hard work and schooling filled his early years and in 1848, after three years in an Albany law firm, he was admitted to practice. In search of greater opportunity, he went to Port Washington, Wisconsin, on Lake Michigan, to hang out his shingle. Two years later he married Jane Eliza Lathrop, daughter of a well-to-do Albany merchant. His practice in Port Washington was successful but in 1852, after a fire wiped out his office and $3,000 library, his pioneer spirit sprung into high gear and he joined his five brothers in their mercantile business in the gold fields of California. Leaving his wife in Albany, he went to California by way of the Isthmus. He spent two years in the Stanford Brothers'' branch store in Michigan Bluff, 30 miles northeast of Auburn. Life was hard. Stanford slept on the counter under buffalo robes with his boots for a pillow except when flood waters forced him to hoist sugar barrels and other articles to the counter for safekeeping. Nevertheless, Stanford prospered. In three years he bought out the Stanford Brothers'' store in Sacramento and he returned to Albany for his wife. Stanford became the most active member of a small group organizing the Republican Party in California and was the party candidate for state treasurer in 1857, and for governor in 1859. There had been no chance for election, but the party was gaining a foothold. In 1860, he stumped the state for Abraham Lincoln and then met with the new president in Washington. In 1861, the California Republican convention nominated Stanford for governor, and he won decisively after stumping the state with Jane Stanford at his side. Stanford succeeded not only in holding California in the Union, but also saw to it that the state contributed substantially to Union victory. Stanford later would be elected to the U.S. Senate in 1885. He was reelected in 1891, but died in 1893. Stanford''s part in building the first transcontinental railroad was of even greater importance in keeping America united as a republic. San Francisco businessmen, well satisfied with the profits they were making from sea routes, turned their backs on the hazardous undertaking. The steep, snow-covered slopes of the Sierra Nevada could just as easily turn the builders into bankrupt paupers as princes of industry. But a group of Sacramento merchants took the high-stakes gamble and formed the Central Pacific Railroad company to lay track eastward to connect with the westward-building Union Pacific. Stanford, who had demonstrated business acumen and qualities of leadership, was elected president of the venture. Congress voted generous land grants and bonded loans, but the main sums had to be supplied by the companies. Stanford, Collis P. Huntington, Mark Hopkins and Charles Crocker emerged as the "Big Four" who risked their financial hides and pushed their crews to meet the Union Pacific at a point as far east as possible. On May 10, 1869, trains of the two railroads drew together at Promontory, Utah. Leland Stanford wielded a sledge of Nevada silver to tap a spike of California gold into a polished laurel tie. The blows heralding completion of the transcontinental railroad were transmitted over telegraph wire attached to the spike.  
中文简介:《美国新闻与世界报道》2000年度美国高校排行榜名列第六。私立大学。由铁路大王利兰·斯坦福于1885年创办于加利福 尼亚州帕洛阿尔托。现设有8个研究生院,即商业研究生院、地球科学学院、教育学院、工程学院、人文学和自然科学学院、跨学科专 业学院、法学院、医学院。附属的重要科研机构和实验室有:斯坦福直线加速器实验室,胡佛战争、革命与和平研究所,霍普金斯海洋研究站,斯坦福电子实验室,物理实验室,国际问题研究中心,能源研究所。美国著名高技术园区硅谷的倔起和发展与斯坦福大学的作用密不可分。该校毕业生中比较著名的有第31任总统胡佛、诺贝尔文学奖获得者J.斯坦贝克和最高法院第一个女法官S.奥康纳等。  
